
This is an attempt to give an overview of what has been catalogued in a collection. As this requires combining uncertain artefacts statistics with uncertain catalogued record statistics, there is a lot of uncertainty here. One issue that will be obvious from some very high cataloguing percentages below (over 1000%!) is cases where we have an estimated low number of artefacts given and then a high known number of records. We could perhaps safely make the assumption that the number of artefacts is always at least the number of records, but this would then show up as a collection being 100% catalogued, which is likely not true.

Artefact and Record counts#

Artefacts Catalogued#

This is a very rough attempt to give a percentage of the extent to which a collection has been digitised. The figures are based on personal interpretation piled on personal interpretation so should not be used. The errors in this chart can be seen by the x axis extending to 6000% which should give an indication of how untrustworthy it is.

Catalogued Artefacts by institution and cataloguing type#

Published Collection Records#

Cataloguing Progress#